The U.S. West and Midwest continue to be THE most popular destinations for our clients each and every year. I believe quite simply there are four reasons for that, and they are…elk, mule deer, whitetail deer and antelope! These remain the most popular, and sought after trophies in North America. And quite frankly NOWHERE else are they found in the numbers and trophy quality as they are right here at home.
Since the vast majority of our clients who book to hunt in the U.S. choose to pursue these four species, they represent the “bread & butter” of our U.S. operations. Obviously we at Trophyseekers Worldwide Inc. recognized this a couple of decades ago, and over the years have researched dozens upon dozens of outfitters operating in these regions. Through hard work, diligence and yes…luck…we have uncovered many outstanding young outfitters, who at the time were mostly unknown. Although most are by now well known throughout the industry TW has been affiliated with many of them for many seasons prior to their “discovery” by the rest of the hunting community. These long standing working relationships, plus our “knack” of consistently locating the rising stars of the hunting industry has placed us in position to offer our clients the very best outfitters specializing in trophy elk, mule deer and whitetails from Indiana to New Mexico, and who have a history of providing some of the most successful hunts for those species found anywhere in the U.S.
Colorado, New Mexico, Montana and Wyoming are at the forefront of our elk, mule deer and antelope offerings. TW offers hunts for rifle, muzzleloader and bow alike…all very high opportunity and consistently high success, game-on-the-ground hunts. Likewise, we offer Midwest trophy whitetail hunts in Kansas, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Wyoming and others in all seasons for all choices of weapons. Quality outfitters, diligent game management practices and hard work keep our success rates on whitetails at the very top of industry standards. Plus, the quality of trophies taken by our clients continues to improve with each and every passing season.